Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Good Bye Mbah

I've been bed resting at home since few days ago.
Right after my husband's lovely grandma (Mbah) has passed away.
I already feeling sick when I was at Mbah's funeral, but I pushed myself to be strong
until it's finished.

I was shocked and sad, when I heard about the news.
We went to the hospital together at the night before she's passed away.
She was suffering from a mild heart attack few hours before, so we brought her to the hospital. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to sleep over at the hospital when the Doctor said she needs to be monitoring for the next 2-3 days.
She said firmly, "I want to go home with my family. I'm strong and fine. There's no need for me to stay at the hospital. I'm not sick."
So the Doctor didn't want to pushed our Mbah, she just gave some medicines just in case Mbah feel some pain.

Before we're going home (Mbah is living with my mother in law), my hubby and I kissed Mbah forehand and forehead.
Wishing her to get well soon.
Mbah smiling at us, and gave her blessing as always right after she said thank you.

Clearly, God has another plan for Mbah.
In the early morning, we heard the news that our dearest Mbah has passed away.
Just a few minutes after she'd a second heart attack.
At that time, I realized why Mbah face was so glowing last night.
Just like an angel...
We're very sad knowing that Mbah has gone, but we're glad that we still had a chance
to say goodbye last night.

May you rest in peace Mbah.
May God bless your soul.

We always love you Mbah.
You're the most kindest person that I've ever known.

Mbah has passed away on December 7, 2009.
Right two months before her 93rd birthday, on February 7, 2010.

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