Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Q & A

Fyi, my post below I've got from a friend of mine who has challenged me to answer all of these questions, since I was commented on his posting.
So let's see, if these questions can do me a favour in any way...

(1) Something you had to give up but didn't want to:
Eat and eat and eat all the time..!

(2) Something you disliked about the last person you were in love with:
Hypocrisy --> idem 'yo!

(3) Something that irritates you more than anything: Waiting..!

4) Something you wish people would understand about you:
I'm not waiting for people to understand me. Better starting from myself to understand people.

(5) Something that's holding you back from achieving your dreams:
Definetely my laziness..!

(6) Something you fear more than anything:
Losing my loved ones.

(7) Something you wish your parents had warned you about earlier:
Absolutely nothing. They prepared me well for being me. --> Again: idem 'yo..! ;)

(8) Something you hate that people say:
I don't care with what people say about me.

(9) Something you like that everyone else thinks is weird:
Rice. (Before you raise your hand to protest me, fyi I do like to eat rice a.k.a beras mentah..!

(10) Something you think you could win an award for:
As the most weirdest person..?! Hihihiihi:p

(11) Something that keeps you going everyday:
coz I have my faith.

(12) Something amazing that happened last summer:
Euro Trip with my long lost sister, Cenil.

(13) Something that you learned that stands out about last year:
Life is all about chances, be committed to it and be ready for every single risks that will shows along the way. --> Again: idem 'yo! Apart from the risks part. :)

(14) Something that makes you laughs every time it happens:
I laughs easily.

(15) Something you do when you're trying to calm down: Reading & Sleeping.

(16) Something you love doing on cold rainy days:
Watching it pouring down, tickling down things and wondering how it could be smelled that heavenly nice ...hmmm..--> Again, idem plek2 'yo..!

(17) Something amazing you wants to happen next year:
A better life.

(18) Something you're addicted to/can't stop doing:
Observing --> idem 'yo!!

(19) Something that really stands out about your latest crush?
Absolutely nothing!

(20) Something that really turns you on:
Attitudes & men in uniform..! ;)

(21) Something you think about every night before you go to sleep:
How many hours do I have to sleep..??? :(

(22) Something that you don't think will ever change about you:
People do changes in some way or another.

(23) Something about you that you think will soon change:
My age.

(24) Something that broke your heart as a child:
Leaving away form my parents.

(25) Something that's on your mind right now:
I gotta go now, I don't want to miss my yoga class. :)

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