Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here & There

1. Your middle name?
*. Vincencia

2. What gets you relaxed after a hard day's work?
* . A cup of earl grey tea + honig. Hmmm...

3. How long did your last conversation on the phone last?
*. 40 minutes. I called my sister in Jakarta.

4. What would you carry along on a first date?
*. My wallet & handy.

5. What are you dreaming of?
*. Biayain orang tua gue keliling dunia.

6. Where would you choose to go on a first date?
*. A cozy resto or coffee shop will be nice...

7. How do you react to a secret admirer?
*. Nothing.

8. What do you usually do when you're sad?
*. Jalan aja sendirian ke mana kaki gue mau melangkah.

9. Finish the sentence. Mirror mirror on the wall..
*. The wall on mirror mirror..hahahha:D Ga tau gue mau ngomong apa..!

10. What does your favorite color say about you?
* . Black --> Maybe I´m sort of classic & conventional person..?

11. Psychology 101, pick one of these words: Caring, Rich, Popular, Cute, Generous...
*. Generous.

13. What's your idea of a perfect Valentine's daygift?
*. Love its self!

14. Do you easily fall in love?
*. No way!

15. If you were a desert, what kind of desert would you be?
*. Buah-buah yang menyegarkan & menyehatkan.

16. What do you miss in your relationship?
*. Presence...

17. Are you a faithful person?
*. I think so...

18. Are you a jealous person?
*. Sometimes!

19. Are you shy in expressing your feelings?
* . No. Gue termasuk orang yang sangat ekspresif bahkan...

20. You did something wrong. Instead of being a human, God punish you to be an animal, what animal would you be?
*. Anjing.

21. Psychology 101, a box is lying on the road,and you picked it up. What's inside?
*. Nothing. I don´t like the idea of taking an advantage from other people who loosing it.

22. If you could enter a movie, any movie. What movie would you enter?
*. Apaan yaa..?

23. Is it easy for you to smile?
*. Very easy

24. Do you yell when you're in a fight with your bf/gf/spouse?
*. Ga lah, yang jelas nadanya pasti meninggi.

25. After a fight with your bf/gf/spouse, you are most likely to do what?
* . Stay silent mostly.

26. Are you modern or traditional?
*. Both of them, a bit modern here and a bit traditional there...

27. To you, a great night with my lover would involve doing what?
*. Drink wine & watch a movie!

28. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
*. As long as they feel comfort about it than it´s ok!

29. What do you think of premarital sex?
*. Selama pelaku sadar, tanpa paksaan, mau & mampu untuk bertanggung jawab...

30. Make a wish, a good one!
*. Semoga bencana-bencana alam di manapun cepat berhenti...

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Last night,
someone said something about me.
Something that made me freezed.

I was shocked,
of what I've heard.
Something beyond my expectation.

Unable to moved.
Felt dissapointed.
Felt annoyed.


I've been trying to absorb it.
Still, unable to invent any good excuse.
The damage is done.

*Hope someday someone will teach you how to use your mouth wisely..!*

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Today is the first day in 2007.
Last night was the first time in my life that I spend a New Year's eve alone.
Nevermind, for once in my life I should know how it feels. :)
Just stayed home. Tried to count my un-counted blessings in 2006.

Thanked God for the brand new coming year.
Thanked God for everything that He gave to me.

How could I ask Him more..?
He has showering me with so many blessings.
He has given me everything more than I've ever asked.

And I know that He will walk with me through the coming year.
So there's no need to worry about the future.
God is in control.

So 2007, I'm ready for you.

Monday, January 01, 2007

My Year End's Random Thoughts

Getting old is a destiny, getting mature is a choice : I love storm : Never take someone for granted : I'm strongly against the death penalty : Friends are my treasure : I hate people with narrow minded : Hypocracy is disgusting : Don't judge a book from the cover : Treat people like you treat your self : Mind your own business : Better less talking than say something unworthy : Respect your partner : I'm a queen of moody : I love autumn : I hate paprika : Be grateful : Try to look from other people glasses : I'm a day dreamer : My parents and my family are the greatest gift I've ever had : My dad is my hero : My mom is my idol : I like challenges : My life is like a roller coaster : I'm a maudlin person : I love the smell of cedar : Life is too short to be wasted : Live your life with no regrets : Everything happens for a reason : To forgive doesn't mean to forget, and doesn't mean I'm revengeful! ;) : Sing like no one hear you, dance like no one see you, work like no one watch you : Be a positive : Be trusted : Yesterday is a history, today is a present, tomorrow is a mystery : Keep smiling : Don't waste your time : Life is the best school ever exist : Learn your lesson rightly : Don't expect people to do your parts : Never use other people for your own advantages : Commit to your words : Never feel sorry for your self : Don't cry for your lover, save your tears for your parents : Live as if today is your last day : Don't sweat small things : Simplify your life : I love sushi : I love big city : I love anything smell good : I hate to be the last one to know : I hate rubber time : I'm very organized : I can be so tolerance yet intolerance : I love my childhood : Get real : No more sad songs : I don't care with artificial things : Money is important but it's not everything : Whatever, don't give a shit to people who acts high and mighty! : Don't give me your boast : Good friends are rarely to find : Be sincere : Listen to your heart : Age is only a number : There's no limit for your dream : There's no such bad decision : Make your own choices : Never put your fault on others : Don't say anything bad about your friends behind their back : Appreciate every single minute that means you still alive : Time fly : Got headache when people talking too much or too loud : Music is the best way to build your mood : I love the smell of grass after the rain : Peace is a state of mind : Just be yourself : Stop doing things for others, time to think about yourself : I'm a social butterfly but I need some time to be alone : If I say "lumayan" then it means 'you're not looking so good on it or not' : I change easily, depends on my mood : I like travelling, but now that I'm getting old.. a companion will be great! ;p : Looking forward to continue my world's journey : A great book is a great teacher : When I start to quiet, either I'm getting tired or bored : I only love pure chocolates : Venice is the most great city I 've ever seen so far : And Athens goes to the second : To read is to breath : Love fashion but not as a trendy slave : I have my own style : Love to postpone my works (promise not to do that anymore..!!!) : I'm good when it comes to the deadline : I hate uncertainty : I've been blessed so many times in 2006, through pain and joy : I have faith in 2007 : Hope everything will be better : Thank you God for this brand new year..!

Saat-saat terakhir di 2006..!

Waktu berlalu begitu cepat.
Tanpa terasa, ku telah tiba di penghujung tahun 2006.
Begitu banyak hal yang telah ku lalui di sepanjang tahun ini.
Diwarnai oleh tawa, tangis, suka dan dukanya kehidupan.

Hidup tak pernah bosan melukiskan warnanya dalam setiap buratan peristiwa.
Jatuh dan terhempas dalam kegelapan yang kadang datang menyelimuti.
Bangun dan berjuang menghadapi keabuan yang kadang melelahkan.
Tersenyum bahagia menatap indahnya pelangi yang hadir saat badai berlalu.

Berbagai macam manusia pun datang dan pergi silih berganti dalam kalender 2006 ku.
Meninggalkan berbagai jejak dalam aneka rupa kesan dan warna.
Berbagai tempat pun ku singgahi dalam perjalanan menyusuri tahun ini.
Berbagai musim pun ku lalui, memberikan aroma dan nafasnya yang khas, terekam indah dalam ingatan.

Begitu banyak berkat yang diberikan-Nya...
Baik yang ku syukuri, maupun yang 'lupa' ku syukuri.
Begitu banyak tanya yang mencari jawabnya.
Begitu banyak kebimbangan yang mencari pastinya.

Dalam ragu ku terus melangkah..
Dalam pastinya ketidakpastian ku terus berjalan..
Berharap ku temukan pertanda di persimpangan tahun.
Menuntunku menyusuri likunya jalan hidupku.

Seiring dengan nadiku yang terus berdenyut..
Tanda masih adanya kehidupan dalam tubuh yang fana
Ku terus mencari arti sejati
Dari kehidupan yang tak kekal ini.

Kesalahan demi kesalahan pun terjadi..
Tidak untuk ku sesali, namun tuk ku perbaiki.
Kesulitan demi kesulitan pun ku atasi..
Tidak untuk ku sombongkan, namun tu ku renungkan.

Karna pada akhirnya..
Ada tanya yang tersisa,
Ke mana kan ku bawa akhir cerita hidupku ini...?
Akankah menuju kebaikan di satu hari nanti..?
Ataukah hanya membusuk lapuk tak berbentuk..?

Dalam hitungan jam, 2007 akan datang menghampiri.
Bagaimanapun, aku berharap semoga di tahun yang baru ini
Semuanya akan menjadi lebih baik lagi.
Tidak ada rangkaian resolusi yang ku buat.
Apalah artinya, kalo semua itu hanya sekedar pajangan belaka.

Selamat Tahun Baru semuanya..!

*Di saat petasan dan kembang api mulai riuh terdengar, lonceng gereja mulai berdentang bersahutan, ku pun tersenyum. Menyongsong datangnya 2007 dengan hati dan pikiran yang positif.*
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