Saturday, December 22, 2012

Touched by an angel.

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.”
~Maya Angelou~

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Asa & Rasa

Rasa itu begitu nyata.
Sakit menusuk.
Menyeruak lantang.
Menghentak kesadaran.
Menghempas harapan.
Menghadirkan kenyataan.
Akan mimpi yang telah usai.
Terenggut paksa.

Rasa itu begitu nyata.
Perih menghujam.
Mengoyak hati.
Mengaburkan keyakinan.
Menggoyahkan pertahanan.
Menghadirkan pertanyaan.
Akan takdir yang teramat pahit.
Terengkuh duka.

Rasa itu begitu nyata.
Hampa terasa.
Menyandera logika.
Merampas asa.
Mencengkeram jiwa.
Menghadirkan kesesakan.
Akan dingin yang menyakitkan.
Terentang luka.


Friday, November 16, 2012


Oh fifty..
I'm so lost in this forest of shades.
I've found myself suffocated by the beauty of your darkness & wounded soul.
Because your pain is so beautiful, it makes your heart so fragile.
B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. & F.r.a.g.i.l.e.
As beautiful as the prelude.
As fragile as the rain drops.

Laters, baby.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September Whisper

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense.


Friday, August 31, 2012

C'est la vie.

Nothing is written in stone..
Everything can change..
There are highs and lows..
Go with the flow..
Even when the boat rocks..
Just feel the swing..
And learn to dance with the rhythm..
Seize the moment before it seizes you..
Because things vacillate, things sway, things even capsize..
That's life.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

I heart this song..

Friday, June 22, 2012


I woke up this morning feeling a little puzzled.
All of sudden, a certain part of my brain has decided to play oldies out of the blue.
Some memories from my past, randomly & intensely bubbling on my mind from the moment I opened my eyes.
It's weird, since I'm a kind of 'present' people.
I don't like living in the past. I let everything that happened in the past become either a sweet memory or a lesson. But I never let my past become a shadow in my present time.
I hardly looking back over my shoulder, have no regrets, never watch the same movies twice, always look and moving forward.
What has been done, it can not be undone. The only thing I would do is learn from my mistake and do better next time.
I don't know why my brain having a time travel this morning, in fact I'm lack of sleep because of my stomach hurts so bad all night long.
Well I guess, no body knows how it works. Sometimes its just happen, just like a dream blooming in your sleep.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time flies. It's been almost a half year, since the last time I posted a note on this blog.
Been there, done that. I traveled a lot in the past 6 months.
From the south to the north. From the east to the west.
Literally and emotionally. 

I'm blessed, having a chance to see so many beautiful places around the world.
I'm lucky, having a chance to try so many delicious food around the world.
From macaroons in France, pasta in Italy, paella in Spain, bratwurst in Germany, xiao long bao in China, hamburgers in USA, gyros in Greece, to crispy duck in Ubud.

One thing I've learned from those amazing journeys is always live in the present. 
Cherish the moment, taste every bite of the food that you put into your mouth, enjoy what's on your plate, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, fully engaged into the 'NOW', and forget the rest.

Life is a short journey. Be a light traveler.
Never bring your 'past' luggage into the present. 
Takes in only what's the most matter thing to you.
Let go of the rest.
Detach yourself from anything that can hold you back. 
Enjoy your precious life, now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Catatan hati di awal 2012

Sore ini, di akhir minggu kedua di awal tahun 2012.
Di temani hujan yang terus menerus mengguyur bumi selama beberapa hari terakhir ini, aku menyesap kopi ku perlahan, menikmati buih krimer yang lembut nya menghangati bibir dan rongga mulut ku. 
Meresapi setiap jengkal perjalanan kopi itu yang membawa kehangatan di tubuh ku yang meringkuk kedinginan. Menenggelamkan diri dalam pelukan sofa empuk, berharap mampu mengusir dingin yang mulai merambati hari.

Sore ini, di sebuah sudut kedai kopi kesayangan ku. 
Yang kerap ku datangi, baik hanya untuk sekedar menikmati waktu yang bergulir di temani aroma kopi hangat dan kayu manis kesukaan ku maupun bertemu orang-orang yang ku kasihi, berbagi kisah kehidupan, ataupun hanya sekedar menghabiskan halaman demi halaman dari buku yang sedang ku baca.

Sore ini, aku mengamati butiran air hujan yang membasahi kaca jendela kedai kopi ini. Sesekali mengamati gerak langkah manusia-manusia yang berderap cepat, mengerutkan kening, melipat kedua tangan di dada, mengatupkan bibir, entah kedinginan entah kelelahan entah banyak pikiran. Tak urung, aku pun tersenyum. Sendiri. Membayangkan skenario-skenario yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan manusia yang tengah aku amati. Hidup itu misteri. Banyak tanya yang hadir di dalam kehidupan manusia. Banyak kabut yang terkadang muncul menghalangi keyakinan. Namun yang terpenting bahwa hidup itu anugerah. Anugerah yang harus senantiasa kita syukuri. Anugerah yang begitu indah yang seringkali lupa kita nikmati dan luput dari kesadaran kita, manusia-manusia robot.

Sore ini, di awal tahun 2012.
Hampir genap 36 tahun aku menikmati perjalanan kehidupan ku di dunia ini. Perjalanan yang cukup panjang bila di banding kan dengan usia keponakan ku yang baru satu digit. Perjalanan yang masih panjang bila di banding kan dengan usia orang tua ku. 
Sungguh mengagumkan bagaimana terkadang waktu terasa begitu lambat berjalan, dan tiba-tiba kita terbangun, menengok ke puluhan tahun yang tiba-tiba sudah berlalu dan berada di belakang kita. Hidup itu memang relatif. :)
Relatif mudah dan menyenangkan. Relatif sulit dan melelahkan.
Relatif indah dan relatif buram. Tergantung dari sisi mana kita memilih untuk melihat nya.

Sore ini, di sebuah perjalanan kehidupan.
Aku bersyukur akan hidup ku yang penuh dengan warna dan rasa.
Warna yang kadang cerah, kadang suram. Rasa yang kadang suka, kadang duka. Karena setiap warna dan rasa yang hadir dalam kehidupan ku, mampu menghasilkan suatu karya seni yang menakjubkan.
Yang ku perlukan hanyalah, mundur sejenak, melihat dan mengamati lukisan kehidupan ku dari jauh. Semarak penuh warna dan rasa. 
Dan itu indah. 

Tidak ada resolusi tahun baru yang aku buat.
I am grateful and thankful to be alive. And I will keep living my life to the fullest.

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