Friday, December 31, 2010

Time Reflection

Time is a scarse commodity, that in so many ways
so often, is taken for granted.
Cherish, enjoy and make the best of what you are given.

Time flies by so swiftly without making a sound
travelling on a course that no one can determine
moving even when we are asleep in the night
unravelling mysteries for the eyes to behold.

Some people watch  as it goes by
while others make provisions while the sun shines
the wise take heed and are aware
when others squander theirs and dont care.

Before you know it, you are old and gray
reminiscing on the good  times you  had
or sitting in your rocking chair, 
regreting the chances you didnt take
or   gramacing from aches and pain
from life's journey
that we have travelled.

Sometime I wonder why time flies so fast
but I can never come seem to produce an answer
only to realise that time is a master
ruling the old and the young,
and everything else on the earth.

By Milton Handfield

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