I'm sitting on a comfy sofa at my favourite coffee shop in town,
sipping a cup of hot earl grey tea
(Lately I become more a tea person than a coffee person..),
accompany with Christmas songs playing on the background,
writing this blog while waiting for my bestfriends to come.
They're stuck on the traffic, which always happens in Jakarta most of the time 'by the way' especially when it comes to weekend or rainy season.
And now heavy rain's pouring down outside, I could imagine how chaos the traffic must be.
So, I guess I have plenty of time to sit here alone, thinking, and writing this blog.
Make myself even comfort with a delicious beef pastle. :)
It's been a while since the last time I'd met two of my bestfriends that now I'm waiting for.
Couple of months ago to be more specific.
Quite long, isn't it?
But compare to some other bestfriends of mine, who I haven't meet them in years well, is not that looong actually. :))
I've been thinking about my life recently.
As the time goes by,
I realize there're some significant changes in the way of I live my life,
in the way of thinking, in the way I see things, in the way I pursuit of my happiness,
in the way I deal with grief and loss, in the way I treasure of real friendship nowadays.
Getting older, got married, dealed with grief and loss of some precious family members including my unborn baby,
moved back to where my nest is, settled down after years of 'traveling'.
Something definetely has changed in me.
If before I used to be a social butterfly with hundreds of friends,
now I could use only one hand to count how many bestfriends that I always keep in touch with.
It doesn't mean that I'd ignored the rest of my friends out there (Thanks to Facebook),
it's mean that I become more selective to share my personal life only with bestfriends of mine.
Bestfriends that have been selected by times.
Bestfriends who always be there for me through good and bad times,
though we couldn't even meet each other regularly once in a year because we're living in different countries and continents
(Two of them, that I'm about to meet now are living in Jakarta as well but still we're hardly have a chance to meet each other because we're traveling a lot in different times and places).
Not being able to meet each other as much as we want, makes us really appreciate every single way of communications that we've been using in order to keep in touch,
up dating our latest news, sharing our thoughts and feelings, and so on.
And whenever we have a chance to meet each other, we will definetely cheerish every second of it! Eventhough it's only a short bumping at the airport, it's more than enough for us to hug each other, having a very brief summary about our recent life affairs, with juicy gossips about recent dates, and bla..bla..bla. We're women anyway, we know really well how to compressed 300 pages of our life story to 1 page of breaking news. And vice versa. ;)
I don't mind for not having any friends available to meet up every week, month, even years. Because I know very well, that a true friendship is not define by how much time we spent for each other, but by how good we understood each other. A true friendship is define by the quality not the quantity of friendship itself. A true friendship preferred a good critic with a sincere heart than a sweet kiss on the lips with a mediocre heart. Having one bestfriend that sincerely care for us is enough to make our life rich. More than one is absolutely a BONUS! :)
I'm very blessed, having a sweet yet caring husband and all of my bestfriends surrounding my soul wherever they are. All of them make my life so wonderful.
I dedicated this post to all of my bestfriends around the world. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. Thank you for never judging me, thank you for being there always everytime I needed. Thank you for simply being my bestfriends.
Love you all.
BestFriend Forever!