Looking for some informations that suit my interest. It could be politic, fashion, celebrity's gossips, recipes, books, movies, and etc.
Two days ago, I'd read an interesting article about a new brand of Indonesia handmade shoes in Jakarta. Which I believed, Indonesia has hundreds of brands that produces thousand of shoes that 100% Indonesian as well as this new brand has claimed.
But there's one thing that made me immediately have a crush with this brand, and desperately want to buy is their specialization on FLAT SHOES!
I love Flat Shoes!!
Whenever I traveled overseas, I always bought at least 2 pairs of flat shoes.
I hardly bought any shoes in Indonesia.
It's not because I'm branded oriented, or an overseas maniac but because it's very difficult to find shoes here in Indonesia with my size.
Normally I use size 40/41, but here even though the shoes size 40/41 it's still doesn't fit to my feet. It will hurt my feet, if I pushed my feet into the shoes.
That's why I always looking for shoes whenever I traveled abroad.
Sometimes, I miss those moments when I never had any trouble to buy shoes back then when I lived in Germany.
They have my size everywhere. :)
Anyway, I've checked their online store, and I fall in love with this brand as soon as I know that I can order shoes with my size plus choose a design by myself with a good price.
That's the most important thing to consider in order to buy a pair of good shoes.
So, I start looking at my 'shoes closet' try to find a clue of which color of flat shoes that I would like to buy.
OMG! I already have almost every colors!
After years of hunting and collecting, I've just realized that I have sooooooo many flat shoes in my closet. I count it, one.., two.., three.., twenty.., thirty.., gosh.., forty.., and so on. I have 40 something pairs of flat shoes!
*These are some pairs of my flat shoes collection..*
I guess, I'm not in a rush of hunting some more flat shoes for a while.
Omigot Thia.....gw ga nyangka lo punya flat shoes sebanyak itu..
Gw iriiii, tapi gw emank ga bisa en ga terlalu suka pake flat shoes...
Mungkin karena ukuran tubuh gw yang mungil, en karena ga terbiasa, gw juga jadi lebih cepet capek kalo pake flat shoes...
Btw, sakit apa, Bu? Smoga cepet sembuh yaaa.....
Cute shoes collection!
Secara, dirimu kan tinggi sekali bu... :)
Sebaliknya, I started hunting (back) for high heels karena bosan juga empat tahun terakhir selalu pake walking shoes or biking shoes...plus I'm vertically challenged! :p
Hahahaha:D Iya niy 'ca nasib gue sebelas dua belas sama Tasya susah nyari sepatu di Indo.
Temen gue juga gitu biasa make high heels, giliran make flat shoes pegel2 dia. Kok bisa ya? Lucu juga.. :)
Thanks a lot for the wish yaa bu.
Thanks a looooot 'ri for the compliment. :)
Bener banget as you said, faktor tinggi badan yg bikin gue akhirnya jatuh cinta sama flat shoes dari dulu selain faktor nyaman di betis..hahahha:D
Iya ya, kadang bosen juga kelamaan tampil casual ya 'ri. Ga kebayang gue kalo smp lo naik sepeda pake high heels..xixixi. Wlpn di Jerman cewek2 pad begitu. Dandan gaya2, pake high heels jalan ke parkiran, eh naik sepeda kumbang juga kaya gue. :)
Sis, pesen flat shoes nya dimana yang gede.. aku mau juga aaah...
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