Last week, my husband and I went to Bandung.
My husband's sent there by his office to attend a workshop for a week and he asked me to come along with him.
At first I don't think it's a good idea since we couldn't check the progress of the renovation of our house plus I'll missed my yoga and knitting class for the whole week if I go with him. Hahaha:D I think the last two things are my main consideration.
But then I re-think again, I can ask my mom actually to check our house regularly, I can bring my yarn and my new books to Bandung. I'll have plenty of time to read, knit, and sleep. And most of all, I'm longing to do a food culinary in Bandung. Owowow, so why not?? It's all worth it to lose my yoga class for a week. :))
So, since I was too busy eating, reading, knitting, window shopping, watching movies and sleeping in Bandung, now I will put in one post all of my culinary agendas while we're in Bandung.
Soon, after we arrived in Bandung we checked in at
Grand Serity Hotel in Hegarmanah - Setiabudi.
The hotel was nice. It's a 4 star hotel, with a minimalist design (I love it!), the room and bathroom were clean (The most important thing for me.)
The hotel location is also very strategic (at least for me hehehe..), very close to the Setiabudi Supermarket (My fav supermarket in Bandung), Periplus Bookstore, The Wood Factory Outlet, Rumah Mode Factory Outlet, Sambal Hejo Restaurant, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds, Mangkuk Ayam Restaurant, Excelso, Mie Kocok Kebun Jukut, etc. You can reach these places within 5 minutes walking.
Breakfast's also included in our room package. They have various kind of food, from Dim Sum to Soto Bandung, from brioche to muffin, from tea to mixed juice. The taste's average though not as good as my expectation. Well, it's hard for me to not judging the food from it's appearance. ;)
The only thing I hate about this hotel was they called our room 5 or 6 times a day to offering a massage or karaoke room. I told them already that I don't want to be disturb but still they kept calling and calling even at 10.00pm. So, we turned off our room telephone during our stay.
We started our culinary trip right on our first night in Bandung.
We went to Trunojoyo street, we're so hungry and desperately want nasi goreng (Fried Rice) Bahureksa. It's a street vendor and named after their first street where they started to open an eatery years ago. From Bahureksa street, they moved to Aceh street, later to Sumatera street and now they're in Trunojoyo street right behind St.Aloysius. Their specialities are: Nasi Goreng, Mie Rebus, Cap cay kuah, Mie Goreng. It's soooo delicious. All of my family from the oldest generation to the youngest generation like to eat there usually on Sunday night after we attended Sunday mass. By the way they used pork for the ingredients, so for my muslim friends don't even think to try it. :)
Too bad that my blackberry was run out of bat, so I can't took a picture of the place and the food. It feels nice to sit and eat on an eatery like that, apart from the price's must be very cheap it's also kind of romantic..hehehe.
On the following day (Monday), my husband went to the workshop as soon as we finished our breakfast together. I didn't have a specific plan on that day, just want to sleep at the hotel so I told my husband to take the car with him.
Alone in the hotel room, I enjoyed every second of it. Simply relaxing. Watching my fav channels, Discovery Travel and Living and Star Movies while lying on the bed eating my snacks and chocolate. Hahahaha... Life is so beautiful!
Around lunch time, I walked to Mangkok Ayam restaurant inside the Setiabudi Supermarket. I've ordered a Pad Thai.

Ooowww my goodness, it's soooooo delicious.
The best Pad Thai I've ever ate.
And I love their warm interior, with a bookshelf on the wall. Feels like home.

After lunch, I walked to The Wood factory outlet right beside the supermarket just to check it out their stuffs. :))
I've tried so maaaaany clothes and end up bought only 1 clothes. (That's what I called, Achievement! Yes.) LoL.
Soon after my husband finished with the workshop, he pick me up at the hotel and we had our dinner at the famous Bebek Ali. Again it's a street vendor in Hasanudin street close to the Borromeus Hospital. Their speciality is a fried duck with chili sauce + raw vegetables (Pecel Bebek). We ate in our car because it's full already with students. For your note: Bebek Ali is alwaaaaays full of people/students everyday. So better if you come earlier (before dinner time) or after dinner time.
I was too excited to finally eat Bebek Ali, so I forgot to take a picture of it. :D
I was came to this place several times before, and never get a chance to have a seat there.
For me nothing special with their fried duck but their chili sauce is typically 'Sunda sauce' which very different with other sauces, Padang or Surabaya sauce for instance. So it has to be one of my culinary destinations in Bandung. :)
After dinner, we went to the Oasis Factory Outlet in Riau street.
In this F.O you can buy a fabric for jeans or pants, and order the model as you wish with a very good bargain. I bought the fabric for 45.000 IDR and paid for the tailor 50.000 IDR. With 95.000 IDR I have a very good jeans with the model that I like and size that suit my body perfectly. Nice and easy! :)
It's only take 1 day for them to make a jeans or pants.
Day 3, I dropped my husband in Gegerkalong coz I'll take my jeans and hunting my lifetime favourite snacks in Bandung: Lumpiah Basah - Es Duren - Cireng - Cilok - Nasi Timbel Bawean, Batagor and so on and so on. Hehehe.
Unfortunately, the traffic in Bandung's really ruined my mood!
I was so stressed by the way most of people in Bandung driving their cars and motorbikes, especially the drivers of public transportations (angkot), they stopped anywhere they like, literally like in the middle of the street! Helloooooow?!
Geez, I'm not used to it anymore . Its really getting my nerves.
Traffic jam in Jakarta is so muuuuuuuch better than traffic jam in Bandung.
So after done with my business at the Oasis, I went to nasi timbel Bawean for my early lunch.
I used to eat there with my college friends. I stayed there no longer than 5 minutes then without finishing my food, I left.
I was in a very bad mood, and I lost my appetite.
I decided to go back directly to the hotel.
I've bought a Lumpiah Basah, es duren and Bawean's chocolate wafer to fix my broken mood. (Teteeeeeeuuup...wkwkwkkwk.)
Since I wasn't in the good mood to drive, my husband said that he'll take ojek (similar to taxi but with a motorbike) to go back to our hotel.
It's so funny that my husband and I had the same idea that night about where we're going to have our dinner. Bakmie Naripan.
It's almost 10 years since the last time we ate in this restaurant.
Hohohoho, we're so happy that finally we could come to this place again.
We've ordered their speciality for our dinner: Yamien Manis + Baso Sapi Kuah ( Noodle with soya sauce + meat balls soup).

Again, I'm not recommend this restaurant for my muslim friends it's stated on the menu that their food is containing pork.
But if you're a big fans of any kind of noodle and meatballs soup like this, you can go to WaLe (Warung Lela) in Ranca Kendal, Dago Golf or Toko You in Hasanudin street.
It's free of pork for sure. :) And don't worry about the taste! :))
Note: Be continue...