Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My Eternal Sunshine
A Short Notes To My Eternal Sunshine:
You think you're ordinary
I think you're extraordinary
You think you're invisible
I think you're inspiration
You think you're imperfect
I think you're impressive
You think you're geeky
I think you're sexy
You think it's all cliches
I think it's all matter of facts
You think you gives me something
I think you gives me everything
Everything that my heart ever needed.
Named: L.O.V.E.
Note: The picture was taken at Aegean Sea - Greece.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sesuatu yang abu-abu
menyeruak masuk dalam dimensi nirwana
menginterupsi keindahan
hati yang berwarna.
menyeruak masuk dalam dimensi nirwana
menginterupsi keindahan
hati yang berwarna.
Pasir dan Batu
Kisah yang sangat bagus untuk di renungkan...
Ada sebuah kisah tentang dua orang sahabat karib yang sedang berjalan melintasi gurun pasir. Di tengah perjalanan, mereka bertengkar dan salah seorang menampar temannya. Orang yang kena tampar merasa sakit hati, tapi dengan tanpa berkata-kata, dia menulis di atas pasir: "Hari ini, sahabat terbaikku menampar pipiku."
Mereka terus berjalan sampai akhirnya menemukan sebuah oasis. Mereka memutuskan untuk mandi. Orang yang pipinya kena tampar dan terluka hatinya, mencoba berenang namun nyaris tenggelam, tapi dia berhasil diselamatkan oleh sahabatnya. Ketika dia siuman dan rasa takutnya sudah hilang, dia menulis di sebuah batu: "Hari ini, sahabat terbaikku menyelamatkan nyawaku."
Orang yang menolong dan menampar sahabatnya, bertanya "Kenapa setelah saya melukai hatimu, kau menulisnya di atas pasir dan sekarang menuliskan ini di batu?" Sambil tersenyum temannya menjawab, "Ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya di atas pasir agar angin maaf datang berhembus dan menghapus tulisan itu. Dan bila sesuatu yang luar biasa baik terjadi, kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati kita, agar takkan pernah bisa hilang tertiup angin."
***Dalam hidup ini ada kalanya kita dan orang terdekat kita berada dalam situasi yang sulit, yang kadang menyebabkan kita mengatakan atau melakukan hal-hal yang menyakiti satu sama lain. Juga terjadinya beda pendapat dan konflik karena sudut pandang yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, sebelum kita menyesal di kemudian hari, cobalah untuk saling memaafkan dan melupakan masa lalu...
Notes: Thanks to my cousins, sister, and friends who shared this nice article with me.
Ada sebuah kisah tentang dua orang sahabat karib yang sedang berjalan melintasi gurun pasir. Di tengah perjalanan, mereka bertengkar dan salah seorang menampar temannya. Orang yang kena tampar merasa sakit hati, tapi dengan tanpa berkata-kata, dia menulis di atas pasir: "Hari ini, sahabat terbaikku menampar pipiku."
Mereka terus berjalan sampai akhirnya menemukan sebuah oasis. Mereka memutuskan untuk mandi. Orang yang pipinya kena tampar dan terluka hatinya, mencoba berenang namun nyaris tenggelam, tapi dia berhasil diselamatkan oleh sahabatnya. Ketika dia siuman dan rasa takutnya sudah hilang, dia menulis di sebuah batu: "Hari ini, sahabat terbaikku menyelamatkan nyawaku."
Orang yang menolong dan menampar sahabatnya, bertanya "Kenapa setelah saya melukai hatimu, kau menulisnya di atas pasir dan sekarang menuliskan ini di batu?" Sambil tersenyum temannya menjawab, "Ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya di atas pasir agar angin maaf datang berhembus dan menghapus tulisan itu. Dan bila sesuatu yang luar biasa baik terjadi, kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati kita, agar takkan pernah bisa hilang tertiup angin."
***Dalam hidup ini ada kalanya kita dan orang terdekat kita berada dalam situasi yang sulit, yang kadang menyebabkan kita mengatakan atau melakukan hal-hal yang menyakiti satu sama lain. Juga terjadinya beda pendapat dan konflik karena sudut pandang yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, sebelum kita menyesal di kemudian hari, cobalah untuk saling memaafkan dan melupakan masa lalu...
Notes: Thanks to my cousins, sister, and friends who shared this nice article with me.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A twisting mind...
A twisting stomach...
Could you please stop twisting me around for a while?
Could you please stop swirling me around for a while?
Let me hear the bird whistling the sweetest lulaby.
Let me feel the wind lingering soft on my skin.
And let the darkness in...
I'll kiss you good night.
A twisting stomach...
Could you please stop twisting me around for a while?
Could you please stop swirling me around for a while?
Let me hear the bird whistling the sweetest lulaby.
Let me feel the wind lingering soft on my skin.
And let the darkness in...
I'll kiss you good night.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
I Think Of You
I always have a thing for beautiful or deep meaningful words.
Either its in a poem, poetry, song , book, newspaper, blog, or even a single phrase in the movie.
For me, words have a mysterious way to reveals the deepest feeling or thoughts of the writer.
When it comes to poems, poetries, books, songs, personal blogs, I categorized writers into 3 groups. Those who write from the mind, those who write from the heart, and those who write from the soul.
I always think that a beautiful poem / poetry that has written from the soul, with wisdom and reflective thought spilling through its words is the artwork.
It takes a moment and an imagination to capture the message of the poem. Just like when we're trying to capture the message / the meaning of the painting, whether its a black and white sketch or a colorful illustration. A landscape or a portrait. Both have a secretly meaning. A beautiful poem is equal to the lovely painting.
I would like to share one of my favorite poems by Goethe.
I fell in love with this poem since the first time I learn German language.
Here's the poem, first in English, and then in German (the original):
I Think of You
I think of you,
when I see the sun's shimmer
Gleaming from the sea.
I think of you,
when the moon's glimmer
Is reflected in the springs.
I see you,
when on the distant road
The dust rises,
In deep night,
when on the narrow bridge
The traveler trembles.
I hear you,
when with a dull roar
The wave surges.
In the quiet grove I often go to listen
When all is silent.
I am with you,
however far away you may be,
You are next to me!
The sun is setting,
soon the stars will shine upon me.

Ich denke dein,
wenn mir der Sonne schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt
Ich denke dein,
wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen malt.
Ich sehe dich,
wenn auf dem fernen Wege
Der Staub sich hebt,
In tiefer Nacht,
wenn auf dem schmalen Stege
Der Wandrer bebt.
Ich höre dich,
wenn dort mit dumpfem Rauschen
Die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh' ich oft zu lauschen,
Wenn alles schweigt.
Ich bin bei dir,
du seist auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt,
bald leuchten mir die Sterne.
O wärst du da!
- J.W. Goethe -
Anyway, there's a wise old saying: The best way to learn a foreign language is to read the poetry aloud. You know poetry gets lost in translation, that's true.
You can't turn this wonderful poem into English actually, you have to turn yourself into German.
Note: The picture was taken at Cape Sounion, Greece.
Either its in a poem, poetry, song , book, newspaper, blog, or even a single phrase in the movie.
For me, words have a mysterious way to reveals the deepest feeling or thoughts of the writer.
When it comes to poems, poetries, books, songs, personal blogs, I categorized writers into 3 groups. Those who write from the mind, those who write from the heart, and those who write from the soul.
I always think that a beautiful poem / poetry that has written from the soul, with wisdom and reflective thought spilling through its words is the artwork.
It takes a moment and an imagination to capture the message of the poem. Just like when we're trying to capture the message / the meaning of the painting, whether its a black and white sketch or a colorful illustration. A landscape or a portrait. Both have a secretly meaning. A beautiful poem is equal to the lovely painting.
I would like to share one of my favorite poems by Goethe.
I fell in love with this poem since the first time I learn German language.
Here's the poem, first in English, and then in German (the original):
I Think of You
I think of you,
when I see the sun's shimmer
Gleaming from the sea.
I think of you,
when the moon's glimmer
Is reflected in the springs.
I see you,
when on the distant road
The dust rises,
In deep night,
when on the narrow bridge
The traveler trembles.
I hear you,
when with a dull roar
The wave surges.
In the quiet grove I often go to listen
When all is silent.
I am with you,
however far away you may be,
You are next to me!
The sun is setting,
soon the stars will shine upon me.
Ich denke dein,
wenn mir der Sonne schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt
Ich denke dein,
wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen malt.
Ich sehe dich,
wenn auf dem fernen Wege
Der Staub sich hebt,
In tiefer Nacht,
wenn auf dem schmalen Stege
Der Wandrer bebt.
Ich höre dich,
wenn dort mit dumpfem Rauschen
Die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh' ich oft zu lauschen,
Wenn alles schweigt.
Ich bin bei dir,
du seist auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt,
bald leuchten mir die Sterne.
O wärst du da!
- J.W. Goethe -
Anyway, there's a wise old saying: The best way to learn a foreign language is to read the poetry aloud. You know poetry gets lost in translation, that's true.
You can't turn this wonderful poem into English actually, you have to turn yourself into German.
Note: The picture was taken at Cape Sounion, Greece.
Sunday, March 07, 2010

I've just watched the BEST movie that based on the true story of Nelson Mandela's efforts to unite his people together through the universal language of sport.
So inspiring. I always adores Nelson's outstanding dedications to his country.
This movie is directed by Clint Eastwood. Two thumbs up for Clint.
There's one poem that became a source of inspiration to Nelson Mandela during his captivity and he wrote out a copy by hand for the captain of the rugby team to inspire him to lead them to the 1995 Rugby World Cup Championship match.
Invictus is a Latin word for "unconquered."
The poet, William Ernest Henley, wrote it from his hospital bed. His indomitable spirit led him to triumph over the amputation of his leg.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.
If you're a big fans of Nelson Mandela then you should read his marvelous biography "Long Walk to Freedom" and watch this "Invictus" movie.

Long Walk to Freedom is one of the greatest books (read: True Story) in the world.
One of my favorites.
Again, I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Now Playing...
There're five songs that I've been listening to all over again since few days ago.
1. Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart by Brian Mc. Knight.
2. The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice.
3. Wonderful World by James Morrison.
4. Details in the Fabric by Jason Mraz.
5. Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder.
There're all my favourite songs since years ago.
I always have a favourite song as a soundtrack of every precious moment in my life.
Either on joyful or sorrowful moments.
For me, a song can speaks thousand of words about my feeling that can't be described only by words it self.
There's something in a certain song that could perfectly becomes a mirror of my feeling.
The singer's voice, the melody, the words, the music are all blended in a perfect harmony.
Songs has been one of my ways to sharing my deepest thoughts, to cheering me up, to crying with, to contemplating every miles of my life's journey.
It goes deeply beyond mouth and heart can say.
1. Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart by Brian Mc. Knight.
2. The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice.
3. Wonderful World by James Morrison.
4. Details in the Fabric by Jason Mraz.
5. Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder.
There're all my favourite songs since years ago.
I always have a favourite song as a soundtrack of every precious moment in my life.
Either on joyful or sorrowful moments.
For me, a song can speaks thousand of words about my feeling that can't be described only by words it self.
There's something in a certain song that could perfectly becomes a mirror of my feeling.
The singer's voice, the melody, the words, the music are all blended in a perfect harmony.
Songs has been one of my ways to sharing my deepest thoughts, to cheering me up, to crying with, to contemplating every miles of my life's journey.
It goes deeply beyond mouth and heart can say.
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