Thursday, December 29, 2005
Count Down..!
Two days from now is the beginning of 2006.
2005 is nearly gone.
It feels just like yesterday, when I celebrated new years eve of 2005 in Venice - Italy.
Suddenly, here I am at the end of 2005 in the middle of my big family in Jakarta.
Year by year is passing by.
The clock is always ticking.
Things come and go.
Times flies.
Usually, at this moment people tends to make a reflections (or a flash back) to what we had / made behind.
Complete within a set of new resolutions for the coming year.
Apart from the facts that, most of us are barely to remember our resolutions as soon as we're leaving January.
Well, everybody get familiar with that I guess..;)
Anyway, a moment like this will always be a good starting point for us to have a better quality of life.
It's time to focus on our life.
it's time to go back on track.
It's time to move forward.
Leave our past behind,
live in the present because today is a GIFT..
while we preparing ourselves for the future.
There're a lot of great things happened in my life during 2005.
There're so many uncounted blessing that He gave to me.
I'm very grateful with what I had from all this year.
Been there, done that.
Thank you Lord for everything that You gave to me..!
Please help me to be a better person in this coming year...
Que sera sera..whatever will be..will be..
The future's not for ours to see...
Que sera sera..what will be..will be..
*HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006 everyone..! Hope this coming year will be so much better than before. Amen!*
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Merry Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card around
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white...
Berhubung Natal tahun ini aku di Indonesia
Lagu 'White Christmas' di atas bener2 mengena sekali di hati aku
Sacara 3 tahun berturut2 aku merayakan 'Natal Putih' di negeri orang, ada perasaan kehilangan juga di Natal ku kali ini.
Tapi walaupun aku ga bisa mengalami Natal Putih di Indonesia,
Aku merasa bahagia dan bersyukur karena bisa merayakan Natal tahun ini bersama dengan kedua orang tua dan seluruh keluarga besar ku.
Come'on everybody sing...!
Feliz Navidad...
Feliz Navidad...
Feliz Navidad Prospero ano y felicidad.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart!
*Merry Christmas everyone..!*
Monday, November 14, 2005
Alangkah indahnya kata itu menari di pikiranku
Kata yang sederhana namun bermakna begitu dalam
Setiap kali memikirkan hal itu, biasanya kehangatan akan segera menyelimuti hatiku
Semua kenangan indah masa kecil semakin membawa ku larut dalam lamunan
Membuatku tidak sabar untuk menjejakkan kaki di rumah kedua orang tua ku.
Berkumpul kembali, berada di tengah2 keluarga besarku melepaskan segala kerinduan..
Sekian lama hidup di negeri orang membuat ku semakin menghargai betapa besarnya arti keluarga dalam kehidupanku..
Ini bukanlah kepulangan ku yang pertama
Walau begitu setiap kali aku pulang selalu menimbulkan kesan yang berbeda
Kepulanganku kali ini pun demikian..
Ada yang berbeda di kepulanganku kali ini
Aku akan tinggal untuk waktu yang cukup lama di tanah air
Entah kenapa justru ada perasaan asing yang hadir di hatiku..
Entah ragu..entah takut..entahlah..aku sendiri pun tak tau
Perjalanan Frankfurt - Jakarta kali ini
Aku memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan tidur atau berdiam diri.
Tidak seperti biasanya setiap kali aku melakukan penerbangan pasti aku akan membunuh waktu dengan membaca, nonton film atau sekedar dengerin musik.
Kali ini aku memilih untuk tidak melakukan kegiatan apa2 ..
Aku membiarkan pikiranku melayang bebas..
Berjalan kemanapun dia mau..
Terkadang aku pun hanya menatap kosong keluar jendela pesawat
Mengamati gumpalan2 awan yang kulewati..
Berusaha membebaskan pikiranku dari hal2 yang terus menganggu..
Mendamaikan hatiku dengan bayang-bayang yang setia menemani
Ada yang tak biasa di kepulanganku kali ini..
Sesuatu yang aku pun tak mampu untuk menjelaskannya dalam kata-kata..
Aku yang hanya bisa merasakan..
Sesuatu yang tak biasa kurasakan..
*October 30. When I’m still a thousand miles away from home. I’m coming home anyway…*
Monday, October 24, 2005
Ph.D or not Ph.D

There is a funny comic website for those whose feel suck or exhaust with their study, namely:
It´s not only for Ph.D wanna be but also for college, graduate and post graduate student or even an ex-student. *wink + wink* If you´re looking for someone or friends who understand what you´re going through, someone in your side than you should visit this website. I strongly recommend it.
*Kadang penting juga untuk mundur sejenak dari rutinitas sehari-hari, supaya tetap bisa menjaga perspektif kita untuk tetap jernih. Just don´t take this life so seriously..! Life is too short to be worried..!*
Monday, October 17, 2005
Autumn Bliss

Seasons come and seasons go. Nothing stays the same. Things changes. Summer´s gone and autumn´s come.Autumn is always be my favourite season. I love walking through the leaves. Looking at the lovely colors, watching on the leaf falls from the tree. It´s beautiful. There is a precious lesson that we can take from this moment. In order to survive the trees should let their leaves go. Sometimes we have to do the same thing. Let it go! It´s a simple words yet so complicated. In order to move on, we have to let things go. Then, things will get better..!
*Hope everything will get better for everyone.*
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wake Me Up When September Ends
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends
like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
-Green Day-
*Summer has come to the end while fall has started showing up of her beauty. Leaving the hot bright sunny Greece back to the gray of Germany. It´s time to go back on track! Lot of things to do, plenty of tasks to be complete, some goals to be reach and nevertheless many dreams to come true. And I´m ready for it as well as the leaves ready to leave their tree ..! With a new spirit and a new perspective, fall is my fav season however...*
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Lately, I´ve been addicted to:
2. (stadium 1 deh kira-kira..!)
3. Anything about Greece (menghitung hari niy..! just can´t wait..!)
4. Earl Grey Tea + Honig (kudu ini sih..!!)
5. All you can eat sushi! (nagih banget seeeeh..?!)
6. My new Remington (de best..!!! Thank´s to Zaldy!)
7. Apple chips (seandainya gue yang punya pabriknya...)
8. DM Groceries (ga ngerti deh gue,kenapa gue rajin banget ke sana!)
9. Dextro Energy (kayaknya sih ga ngaruh juga di gue...)
10. (secara summer ini ga jelas banget cuacanya..!)
11. (berhubung mahal kalo langganan majalahnya...)
12. Pack station (secara gue rajin banget ngambil paket..!)
13. Dumbbel (nyandu banget nih gue...!)
14. (ngecek konto teruuuus..! :))
15. Blogging stuff!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Great Expectations..!
I´m thankful for being 29
I´m thankful for today
I´m thankful for this time of year and all it means to me
I´m thankful for so many things that I've received in life
I´m thankful for each blessing that´s been sent down from above
I´m thankful for the patience that Lord has put within
As years go by and time grows short
I have one final word
The one thing I'm most thankful for, is the blessing of my Lord.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Days Are Numbers
He never has the time to turn around
And if the road he's taken isn't leading anywhere
He seems to be completely unaware
The traveller is always leaving home
The only kind of life he's ever known
When every moment seems to be
A race against the time
There's always one more mountain left to climb
Days are numbers
Watch the stars
We can only see so far
Someday, you'll know where you are
Days are numbers
Count the stars
We can only go so far
One day, you'll know where you are
The traveller awaits the morning tide
He doesn't know what's on the other side
But something deep inside of him
Keeps telling him to go
He hasn't found a reason to say no
The traveller is only passing through
He cannot understand your point of view
Abandoning reality, unsure of what he'll find
The traveller in me is close behind
-The Alan Parson Project-
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Human Teflon
Sebenernya sejak kecil gue udah terbiasa sama yang namanya perubahan.
Maklum sebagai anak pegawai negeri, gue terbiasa berpindah-pindah tempat dari satu kota ke kota lain, dari satu propinsi ke propinsi lain, dari satu pulau ke pulau lain.
Awal pembentukan diri gue sebagai "human teflon".
Dari mulai gue lahir dan melewatkan masa kecil gue di Bali.
Saat pertama gue masuk sekolah di Bandung.
Saat pertama gue belajar ali bata di Padang (fyi: gue sekolah di sekolah katholik yang salah satu mata pelajaran wajibnya adalah bahasa Arab!)
Saat teenage gue di Bandung yang cukup direpotkan oleh pelajaran bahasa Sunda (walaupun sekarang udah gape abis..hahahaha:D)
Saat gue beranjak dewasa (tsaaahh, bahasanya..!)antara Bandung dan Jakarta berhubung gue kekeuh ga mau sekolah di Jakarta sementara orang tua gue tinggal di Jakarta.
Saat gue mulai melebarkan sayap kerjaan gue di Jakarta.
Sampai dengan saat gue menjalani kehidupan dengan empat musim di Eropa.
Begitu banyak perubahan yang terjadi dalam hidup gue.
Perubahan yang diharapkan.
Perubahan yang tidak diharapkan.
Perubahan yang menyenangkan.
Perubahan yang tidak menyenangkan.
Semua itu gue hadapi, karna bagaimanapun ini adalah hidup yang gue pilih untuk gue jalani.
Lagipula gue udah terbiasa dengan yang namanya perubahan.
Bahkan bisa dibilang gue addict akan perubahan.
Gue sangat menikmati hal-hal baru.
Seperti memulai kehidupan di tempat baru, membangun komunitas di lingkungan baru, beradaptasi dengan budaya baru, menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru, dsb.
Semua itu menimbulkan suatu sensasi yang luar biasa..
Mungkin sisi "human teflon" di diri gue banyak dipengaruhi oleh masa kecil dan remaja gue yang seringkali berpindah tempat.
Hal itu juga yang membuat gue ga betah sebenarnya untuk tinggal berlama-lama di suatu tempat. Namun meskipun demikian, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu (dan mungkin juga di karenakan teflon-nya sudah mulai rusak.. :p)naluri gue untuk berpindah-pindah mulai bisa terkontrol bahkan ga jarang gue merasa sedih ketika gue harus meninggalkan suatu tempat: I start to feel something that I´ve never experienced before..,"The desire to live in one place longer!" (suatu bukti nyata bahwa teflon-nya sudah mulai aus!).
Pada saat kejenuhan itu memuncak, gue tidak lagi membabi buta memikirkan cara untuk bisa lari secara permanen dari tempat itu. Melainkan gue mundur sejenak dari rutinitas kehidupan gue, pergi ke tempat-tempat baru (hobi yang cukup membuat account gue kembang kempis!), men-defragment kembali otak gue, sambil berusaha kembali menghidupkan creative passion di diri gue.
Gue sadar bahkan gue pun merasakan bahwa adakalanya perubahan itu menjadi sesuatu yang menakutkan.
Tapi sekiranya itu membawa gue menuju sesuatu yang lebih baik kenapa juga ngga gue jalani?
Seandainya itu memberikan gue kebahagiaan dan kepuasan batin
kenapa juga ngga gue hadapi?
Perubahan itu memang menakutkan.
Tapi berada dalam situasi yang stagnan terus menerus untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama, itu lebih menakutkan buat gue.
Situasi seperti itu akan mendorong gue untuk mencari sesuatu yang baru.
Perubahan memang bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dijalani.
Perubahan memerlukan pengorbanan dan keyakinan diri yang kuat.
Perubahan bukanlah suatu hal yang instant, sebaliknya perubahan memerlukan proses yang memakan waktu tidak sebentar.
Di dalam proses itu akan ada masalah yang harus dihadapi, hambatan yang harus dilalui, tantangan yang harus dilewati.
Terkadang dalam prosesnya perubahan menimbulkan kelemahan..
Kelemahan yang membuat diri kita menjadi lebih kuat sesudahnya.
That´s why I keep on moving.
I like challenges.
It makes me feel alive.
It makes me stronger.
*Jangan pernah takut akan perubahan, hanya karna kita telah "terbiasa".*
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
12 to 28
Bukan karena gue merasa paranoid dengan umur yang sudah menjelang kepala 3.
Bukan..bukan sama sekali..!
I´m not a kind of pathetic person who being afraid by getting older.
Geez.., that´s why I can´t understand such people who being so damn hyperbolic with their age and feel ashamed about it.
Ga jarang gue denger omongan-omongan kaya gini:
"OMG, gue udah tua bows...!" or "Gila nek, gue udah tuskiiw niiiih.!"
--> padahal yang ngomong belum juga 20 tahun umurnya.
Pleeez deh, you´re not that old young ladies..!!
Stop acting like the grown ups! Enjoy your teenies world as long as you can. Remember, time is always move forward..!
Belum lagi kepanikan2 ga penting lainnya seperti, nyari calon suamilah, kapan marriedlah, umur yang makin bertambahlah..--> padahal yang ngomong belum juga nyampe seperempat abad.
Ada apakah dengan orang-orang seperti ini..??
Kayaknya fenomena penuaan dini emang udah semakin menjadi-jadi.
Dan gue pribadi merasa prihatin terhadap orang-orang seperti itu.
Come on, don´t be so paranoid girls...!
Well, okay..marriage is one thing regarding to our "cultures and values", but it´s not the end of the world anyway if you passed 25 or even 30 and still being single.
You don´t have to be married first just to find a way to happiness.
It´s a matter of state of your mind.
I have nothing against marriage.
Seriously, I´m kind of a "family minded"person. I love kids and I would like to be married someday and have one small happy family when it comes the time.
What I´m trying to say is "Don´t worry about something that you can´t control..!"
Let it flow..,it will comes to you in the right way and in the right time.
Bukan berarti juga gue ngerasa sok muda.
Bukan..bukan sama sekali..!
I´m also not a kind of pathetic person who live in a completely denial about my age.
Gue cuma berusaha menjadi orang yang realistis.
Menanggapi proses bertambahnya umur gue dengan sebaik-baiknya dan sewajar-wajarnya tanpa harus merasa tidak nyaman,panik,takut,endeskiy..endeskoy.. :)
Bersyukur atas semua yang telah terjadi dalam hidup gue.
Semua yang telah gue capai, gue lewatin baik suka maupun duka.
Intropeksi diri untuk merubah hal-hal kurang baik yang masih gue lakukan dan menerima hal-hal yang memang tidak bisa gue rubah.
The point is I make a peace with reality.
I asked myself, "What I´ve done so far for my life, for my parents,for the people that I love,for the people that I care, for the people around me,for the God..?"
That´s my biggest question mark at all.
*Still searching for the answer...*
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday Morning
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you
-Song of the day : Sunday Morning by Maroon 5-
*14 Agustus 2005. Di suatu hari minggu di musim panas yang indah.., menikmati gemerisik tetesan hujan yang luruh membasahi dedaunan di depan jendela. Beringsut perlahan menyebar kesejukan di permukaan bumi. Sejumput keheningan hadir diantaranya...Kesederhanaan yang mampu membuatku termangun akan betapa indahnya kehidupan. Betapa banyaknya hal kecil yang terlupakan, betapa banyaknya berkat yang tak tersyukuri. Dear God, please forgive me for being so unthankful...*
Friday, August 12, 2005
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one...
Apakah mimpi itu merupakan manifestasi dari partikel-partikel yang meronta berusaha keluar dari belitan akar liar hutan kesadaran namun terjebak dalam arus ilusi yang menyeretnya masuk ke dalam putaran dimensi tak berbatas membuatnya tersesat di tengah belantara ketidaksadaran?
Ataukah sebaliknya,
mimpi merupakan pengkhianat takdir yang berusaha membocorkan rahasia terdalam di lembah kehidupan melalui bisikan abstrak yang ditiupkannya berharap manusia cukup peka untuk mendengar dan menerjemahkannya menjadi suatu ringkasan kisi-kisi nyata yang berasal dari ketidaknyataan?
Apapun itu banyak orang yang menganggap bahwa mimpi hanyalah sekedar bunga tidur yang tumbuh di alam bawah sadar manusia.
Tidak sedikit juga orang yang rajin membuka kamus primbon demi mencari makna dari mimpi mereka semalam.
Apapun itu mimpi adalah hal yang dimiliki oleh semua orang, tidak peduli kaya miskin, hitam putih,dsb.
Apapun itu mimpi memonopoli dari segala rasa yang ada, menyenangkan, menakutkan, menggairahkan, menyedihkan, dsb.
Mimpi berada di perpotongan dimensi kesadaran dan ketidaksadaran manusia, dimana tepatnya ia berada kembali pada kecenderungan manusia memperlakukannya.
*Saya termasuk orang yang percaya akan mimpi, walaupun saya ga punya kamus primbon. :) Tidak jelas apakah itu dikarenakan saya adalah seorang pemimpi jadi percaya mimpi ataukah mimpi-mimpi itu yang berhasil membuat saya menjadi seorang pemimpi sejati. ;p Selain itu saya termasuk orang yang penakut bila mengalami mimpi yang menyeramkan. Buktinya subuh ini saya terbangun oleh mimpi buruk yang membuat saya tidak berani melanjutkan tidur tanpa lampu yang menyala terang padahal saya tipe orang yang hanya bisa tidur dalam kegelapan.*
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Give it a try..!
Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate |
![]() You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. |
*I´ve got this thing from one of my friend´s friend. It doesn´t take much time to know what kind of your blogging personality. Through five (or less I´m not sure!) simple questions, you will find out which type your blogging is. I found it close to real, apart from `I have a heart of gold`. Well, who knows! :) --> Narcist mode set on! Anyhoo..just give it a try!*
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Matters of Consequence
´What is essential is invisible to the eye...´
-Antoine De Saint-Exupery : ´The Little Prince´-
*Sometimes we´re just to busy with matters of consequence. We talk and act like `the grown-ups`. We mix everything up together, we feel confuse about everything, we care nothing about the figures, we forget how to ´understand´ an invisible things..., the truth of our life. The important thing is that sometimes in the name of ´matters of consequence´, we forget about who we are..! We are ´Ephemeral´..!*
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Manusia Bodoh
Dahulu terasa indah…tak ingin lupakan
Kemesraan s’lalu jadi satu kenangan manis
Tiada yang salah hanya aku manusia bodoh
Yang biarkan semua kini permainkanku berulang2 kali..
Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati
Layaknya karang yang dihempas sang ombak
Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir..
Tak ayal tingkah lakumu..buatku putus asa
Kadang akal sehat ini tak cukup membendungnya
Hanya kepedihan yang s’lalu datang menertawakanku
Kau belahan jiwa tega menari indah di atas tangisanku..
Tapi sampai kapankah ku harus menanggungnya
Kutukan cinta ini../ bersemayam dalam kalbu
Semua kisah pasti ada akhir yang harus dilalui
Begitu juga akhir kisah ini yakinku indah..
- Ada Band -
*Hmmm..yang namanya manusia kalo udah urusan sama hati kadang udah ngga sadar lagi kalo2 seringkali sampai harus membodohi dirinya sendiri. Buat Siska makasih buat teks lagu-nya (I miss you, sis..!!!). Buat temen2 gw yang 'kena' banget sama lagu ini...sabar-sabar ya...LOVE will show you the way...!*
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Because she is infinitely a mother.
To her who is infinitely standing.
Because she is also infinitely bending forward.
To her who is infinitely joyful.
Because she is also infinitely sorrowful.
To her who is infinitely touching.
Because she is also infinitely touched.
To her who is inifinitely heavenly.
Because she is also infinitely earthly.
To her who is infinitely eternal.
Because she is also infinitely temporal.
To her who is Mary.
To her who is the nearest to God.
Because she is also the nearest to men.
-Charles Peguy-
*Summer 2005, Unpretentious devotion in Our Lady Church - Brugge/Belgium...!*
Mannerism according to The Oxford Compact English Dictionary :
1. a habitual gesture or way of speaking etc.
2. a excessive use of a distinctive style in art or literature. b a stylistic trick.
In the meanwhile, mannerism according to Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus :
[n] peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts…
Mannerism’s derive from the word of manner which mean person’s behaviour.
Nowadays, mannerism is taking an important part of our social life.
Mannerism has become one of many ways that people use to determine what kind of person he/she is dealing with.
Indirectly, mannerism establish a set of trace or impression about the person/subject.
For some people, mannerism is not a big deal or they do not taking it seriously.
They behave as they want without thinking what other people might think or even worse they do not care if other people might be disturb because of what they done.
As long as they feel comfort for them self than there is no need to think about anything
But in reality, there are some people who really think that mannerism is really a big deal.
Mannerism has become an important password for being accept in a certain societies.
Mannerism is a small thing but meaningful.
It does not mean that we should change our personality in order to get into one group or society, we are only need to adjust within the circumstance that we belong to.
Mannerism is not belong to a certain people/group/class. You do not have to be rich or being a nobleman to become a person who has a good manners.
Mannerism is something that everybody could learn, its very cheap and do not take so much effort to practice. It only takes willingness to learn.
Why mannerism is become more important today..?
Mannerism is not all about attitudes. Mannerism is a way to show other people that we are pay a respect to them. Mannerism is a way to show that we are civilize people. Mannerism is a label that we put into ourselves which show how we treat/respect ourselves and other people in the same manner.
For example:
Do you find it annoying, if someone keep form scab on a wound in front of you?
Or when someone talks to you without even looking at you?
I do.
Why..? Because I would feel that person is not respect me enough to even stare at me (give an attention) during talking to me.
And there’re so much more examples that I could not explain here.
The point is we are living in the globalization world, where the boundaries no longer exist. We should be able to adapt with a new circumstance, where the demand to think globally is high (in a positive manner) without eliminate our original cultures and values.
So, it is your choice to become a person either with a well-manner or a bad-manner…!
Once again, mannerism is belong to everyone. It’s all about choices.
*Is not really clear whether I’m a hyper-critical or hyper-manner-maniac person…
The difference between the two of them is so slight..!
Or maybe because I have a tendency to become an Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder… :) *
Friday, May 13, 2005
Personality Disorder
Low | |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Low |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | Moderate |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Moderate |
-- Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Information -- |
Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder is similar to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder. People with this disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.
Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder:
* Need for perfection and excessive discipline
* Preoccupation with orderliness
* Inflexibility
* Lack of generosity
* Hyper-focus on details and rules
* Excessive devotion to work
* Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder sound so 'gw banget' yaaaa.....!*
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Life is no straight and easy corridor along
which we travel free and unhampered,
but a maze of passages,
through which we must seek our way,
lost and confused, now and again
checked in a blind alley
But always, if we have faith,
a door will open for us,
not perhaps one that we ourselves
would ever have thought of
but one that ultimately
prove good for us.
-A.J. Cronin-
* While I am lost and and again...I just know it...all I have to do is BELIEVING...there is always a door will open for me to go through into it and find a new HOPE waiting for the best things happen in my life..!*