Mädchen fragte einen Jungen "magst du mich?"
Er sagte nein.
Sie fragte "findest du mich hübsch"
Er sagte nein.
Sie fragte "bin ich in deinem Herz?"
Er sagte nein.
Als letztes fragte sie "wenn ich weg gehen würde würdest du
für mich weinen?"
Er sagte wieder nein.
Sie ging traurig davon.
Er packte sie am arm und sagte "ich mag dich nicht, ICH LIEBE DICH"
Ich finde dich nicht hübsch, ICH FINDE DICH WUNDERSCHÖN.
Du bist nicht in meinem herz DU BIST MEIN HERZ.
Ich würde nicht für dich weinen, ICH WÜRDE FÜR DICH STERBEN!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sahabat Wanita
Pada suatu hari, seorang wanita muda yang baru saja menikah mengunjungi ibunya.
Mereka duduk di sebuah sofa dan menikmati segelas air teh dingin.
Ketika mereka sedang berbincang-bincang mengenai kehidupan, pernikahan, tanggung jawab
dalam hidup serta kewajiban, sang ibu dengan perlahan menaruh sebongkah es batu ke dalam gelasnya dan menatap wajah anak perempuannya.
"Jangan lupakan sahabat-sahabat wanitamu." nasihatnya, sambil mengaduk-ngaduk daun teh di bawah gelasnya.
"Mereka akan menjadi orang yang penting bagimu ketika usiamu makin tua.
Tidak peduli seberapa dalam kau mencintai suamimu, seberapa banyak anak-anak yang kau miliki,kau masih tetap harus memiliki sahabat wanita.
Ingatlah untuk berjalan-jalan bersama mereka, melakukan hal bersama-sama dengan mereka.
Dan ingat bahwa mereka bukan hanya sekedar sahabat wanitamu, tetapi mereka
akan menjadi saudara, anak dan yang lainnya.
Kau akan membutuhkan sosok wanita yang lain. Wanita selalu begitu."
"Sungguh nasihat yang aneh," pikir si wanita muda.
"Bukankah aku baru saja menikah?
Bukankah aku baru saja bergabung dalam dunia pasangan-pasangan muda?
Sekarang saya adalah seorang istri, orang dewasa,bukan anak perempuan kecil
yang memerlukan teman main perempuan lainnya!
Tentu saja keluarga yang akan kami bina dapat membuat hidup saya lebih berarti."
Tetapi, ia mendengarkan nasihat ibunya; ia terus
berhubungan dengan sahabat-sahabat wanitanya dan bertemu dengan semakin banyak
sahabat setiap tahun.
Ketika tahun demi tahun berlalu, ia mulai merasakan betapa benar nasihat yang diberikan ibunya.
Ketika waktu dan keadaan mengubah keberadaan mereka sebagai wanita dengan segala misterinya, sahabat-sahabat wanitanya tetap berada dalam kehidupannya.
Setelah hidup selama 50 tahun dalam dunia ini, inilah fakta-fakta yang
saya dapatkan dari memiliki sahabat wanita:
Sahabat wanita akan menjaga rahasiamu.
Sahabat wanita akan memberikan nasihat ketika kau membutuhkannya.
Sahabat wanita tidak selalu mengatakan apa yang kau lakukan benar, tetapi mereka bersikap jujur.
Sahabat wanita akan terus mengasihimu, meskipun ada perbedaan pendapat.
Sahabat wanita akan tertawa bersama-sama denganmu, dan lelucon kosong
sama sekali tidak diperlukan hanya untuk sebuah tawa.
Sahabat wanita akan menolongmu keluar dari hubungan-hubungan yang buruk.
Sahabat wanita menolongmu mencarikan rumah tinggal yang baru, membantu mengepak barang dan pindah.
Sahabat wanita akan membantu membuat sebuah pesta untuk anak-anakmu ketika mereka menikah atau memiliki anak, manapun yang lebih dulu terjadi.
Sahabat wanita akan selalu berada di sampingmu, dalam suka maupun duka.
Sahabat wanita akan menempuh badai, topan, panas, dan kegelapan untuk mengeluarkan kau dari keputusasaan.
Sahabat wanita akan mendengarkan ketika kau kehilangan pekerjaan atau seorang kawan.
Sahabat wanita akan mendengarkan ketika anak-anakmu mengecewakanmu.
Sahabat wanita akan menangis bersamamu ketika orang yang dikasihimu meninggal.
Sahabat wanita menghiburmu ketika kau dikecewakan oleh banyak pria di dalam kehidupanmu.
Sahabat wanita membantumu untuk bangkit kembali ketika pria kau cintai pergi meninggalkanmu.
Sahabat wanita senang ketika mereka melihatmu bahagia, dan bersedia mencari
dan melemparkan apa yang tidak membuatmu bahagia.
Waktu berlalu...Kehidupan berjalan.
Jarak memisahkan.. .Anak-anak beranjak dewasa..
Cinta hilang dan pergi..Hati yang hancur..
Karir berakhir..Pekerjaan berganti..
Orang tua meninggal..Rekan- rekan melupakan kebaikan..
TETAPI, sahabat-sahabat wanita akan terus mendampinginmu,
meskipun waktu dan jarak yang terpaut sangat jauh. Sahabat wanita tidak akan
lebih jauh dari orang-orang yang membutuhkan.
Mereka duduk di sebuah sofa dan menikmati segelas air teh dingin.
Ketika mereka sedang berbincang-bincang mengenai kehidupan, pernikahan, tanggung jawab
dalam hidup serta kewajiban, sang ibu dengan perlahan menaruh sebongkah es batu ke dalam gelasnya dan menatap wajah anak perempuannya.
"Jangan lupakan sahabat-sahabat wanitamu." nasihatnya, sambil mengaduk-ngaduk daun teh di bawah gelasnya.
"Mereka akan menjadi orang yang penting bagimu ketika usiamu makin tua.
Tidak peduli seberapa dalam kau mencintai suamimu, seberapa banyak anak-anak yang kau miliki,kau masih tetap harus memiliki sahabat wanita.
Ingatlah untuk berjalan-jalan bersama mereka, melakukan hal bersama-sama dengan mereka.
Dan ingat bahwa mereka bukan hanya sekedar sahabat wanitamu, tetapi mereka
akan menjadi saudara, anak dan yang lainnya.
Kau akan membutuhkan sosok wanita yang lain. Wanita selalu begitu."
"Sungguh nasihat yang aneh," pikir si wanita muda.
"Bukankah aku baru saja menikah?
Bukankah aku baru saja bergabung dalam dunia pasangan-pasangan muda?
Sekarang saya adalah seorang istri, orang dewasa,bukan anak perempuan kecil
yang memerlukan teman main perempuan lainnya!
Tentu saja keluarga yang akan kami bina dapat membuat hidup saya lebih berarti."
Tetapi, ia mendengarkan nasihat ibunya; ia terus
berhubungan dengan sahabat-sahabat wanitanya dan bertemu dengan semakin banyak
sahabat setiap tahun.
Ketika tahun demi tahun berlalu, ia mulai merasakan betapa benar nasihat yang diberikan ibunya.
Ketika waktu dan keadaan mengubah keberadaan mereka sebagai wanita dengan segala misterinya, sahabat-sahabat wanitanya tetap berada dalam kehidupannya.
Setelah hidup selama 50 tahun dalam dunia ini, inilah fakta-fakta yang
saya dapatkan dari memiliki sahabat wanita:
Sahabat wanita akan menjaga rahasiamu.
Sahabat wanita akan memberikan nasihat ketika kau membutuhkannya.
Sahabat wanita tidak selalu mengatakan apa yang kau lakukan benar, tetapi mereka bersikap jujur.
Sahabat wanita akan terus mengasihimu, meskipun ada perbedaan pendapat.
Sahabat wanita akan tertawa bersama-sama denganmu, dan lelucon kosong
sama sekali tidak diperlukan hanya untuk sebuah tawa.
Sahabat wanita akan menolongmu keluar dari hubungan-hubungan yang buruk.
Sahabat wanita menolongmu mencarikan rumah tinggal yang baru, membantu mengepak barang dan pindah.
Sahabat wanita akan membantu membuat sebuah pesta untuk anak-anakmu ketika mereka menikah atau memiliki anak, manapun yang lebih dulu terjadi.
Sahabat wanita akan selalu berada di sampingmu, dalam suka maupun duka.
Sahabat wanita akan menempuh badai, topan, panas, dan kegelapan untuk mengeluarkan kau dari keputusasaan.
Sahabat wanita akan mendengarkan ketika kau kehilangan pekerjaan atau seorang kawan.
Sahabat wanita akan mendengarkan ketika anak-anakmu mengecewakanmu.
Sahabat wanita akan menangis bersamamu ketika orang yang dikasihimu meninggal.
Sahabat wanita menghiburmu ketika kau dikecewakan oleh banyak pria di dalam kehidupanmu.
Sahabat wanita membantumu untuk bangkit kembali ketika pria kau cintai pergi meninggalkanmu.
Sahabat wanita senang ketika mereka melihatmu bahagia, dan bersedia mencari
dan melemparkan apa yang tidak membuatmu bahagia.
Waktu berlalu...Kehidupan berjalan.
Jarak memisahkan.. .Anak-anak beranjak dewasa..
Cinta hilang dan pergi..Hati yang hancur..
Karir berakhir..Pekerjaan berganti..
Orang tua meninggal..Rekan- rekan melupakan kebaikan..
TETAPI, sahabat-sahabat wanita akan terus mendampinginmu,
meskipun waktu dan jarak yang terpaut sangat jauh. Sahabat wanita tidak akan
lebih jauh dari orang-orang yang membutuhkan.
Monday, October 20, 2008
*Nice Distraction*
After spent the rest of weekend,
in full of mourning-griefing-gloomy heart and broken spirit.
I think, I really need a nice distraction...
So I decided, better for me to go out and get a life. Having a nice meal, sitting on a comfy sofa and drinking my favourite coffee, writing this post with an awesome voice of Frank Sinatra slowly singing My Little Valentine with his Big Band on the background.
I feel so content, all by myself.
Simple things, big pleasures.
All we have to do is, spend a little time by your self doing nothing, reading a good book as a companion, lay back and relax, smell the coffee's aroma from your cup, and simply feel the taste...
What else do you need..?
Life is beautiful as simple as that.
Two hours to go until my husband is coming, I still have plenty of time to read my fav book at this time "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin S. Sharma.
Hmmm, a warm waffle with chocolate fudge and one scoop of chocolate ice cream on top is a perfect combination with my coffee.
The taste is sooooooo delicious..!!
Btw, I'm going to watch "Elegy" movie with my husband as soon as he's finished with his work. A movie about a passionate love affair between a college Professor (Oscar Winner, Ben Kingsley) and his student (Penelope Cruz). As their intimate connection tranforms them more than either could imagine a charge sexual contest evolves into an indelible love story. Kind of romantic love drama movie. Can't wait to see the movie.
Just exactly a nice distraction that I need...
Here I am, all set for moody mood of Love. :')
@ Pancious, Pancake House - Pacific Place
in full of mourning-griefing-gloomy heart and broken spirit.
I think, I really need a nice distraction...
So I decided, better for me to go out and get a life. Having a nice meal, sitting on a comfy sofa and drinking my favourite coffee, writing this post with an awesome voice of Frank Sinatra slowly singing My Little Valentine with his Big Band on the background.
I feel so content, all by myself.
Simple things, big pleasures.
All we have to do is, spend a little time by your self doing nothing, reading a good book as a companion, lay back and relax, smell the coffee's aroma from your cup, and simply feel the taste...
What else do you need..?
Life is beautiful as simple as that.
Two hours to go until my husband is coming, I still have plenty of time to read my fav book at this time "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin S. Sharma.
Hmmm, a warm waffle with chocolate fudge and one scoop of chocolate ice cream on top is a perfect combination with my coffee.
The taste is sooooooo delicious..!!
Btw, I'm going to watch "Elegy" movie with my husband as soon as he's finished with his work. A movie about a passionate love affair between a college Professor (Oscar Winner, Ben Kingsley) and his student (Penelope Cruz). As their intimate connection tranforms them more than either could imagine a charge sexual contest evolves into an indelible love story. Kind of romantic love drama movie. Can't wait to see the movie.
Just exactly a nice distraction that I need...
Here I am, all set for moody mood of Love. :')
@ Pancious, Pancake House - Pacific Place
October's Grief...
It's never been easy to lose your dearest one suddenly.
My dearest uncle passed away unexpectedly on last Friday, because of a massive heart attack.
My uncle was a great man...
We were close since I was a kid.
He always brought & picked me up (to & at school), until I graduated from Junior High School.
We always had a great relationship & great times together.
He's always taking care of me since I lived far away from my parents.
He's always there whenever I need him.
He's the most bravest man that I have ever known.
Losing my dearest uncle suddenly changes my perspective on life...
In the blink of an eye, my perspective on life is never the same again.
I'm able to see that most things are trivial compared.., as if my uncle's taught me for the last time..a piece of wisdom that I'll never ever lose..!
The other thing that I have learned from my uncle's death is that we need to live each day like it is your last day.., and the importance of telling and showing the people you love, how much you care each and every day.
And we shouldn't worry so much about silly things.
My uncle's last message is so simple yet so hard to do:
"Don't spend the better part of our lives focusing on the "trivial" matters and very little on what is "important".
I lost my dearest uncle and the pain is so real.
But that's life.., nothing lasts forever and we have to adjust our lives to what we are given at the time.
Goodbye Oom, see you again in the next life.
Thank you for everything, loves, and may you rest in peace.
My dearest uncle passed away unexpectedly on last Friday, because of a massive heart attack.
My uncle was a great man...
We were close since I was a kid.
He always brought & picked me up (to & at school), until I graduated from Junior High School.
We always had a great relationship & great times together.
He's always taking care of me since I lived far away from my parents.
He's always there whenever I need him.
He's the most bravest man that I have ever known.
Losing my dearest uncle suddenly changes my perspective on life...
In the blink of an eye, my perspective on life is never the same again.
I'm able to see that most things are trivial compared.., as if my uncle's taught me for the last time..a piece of wisdom that I'll never ever lose..!
The other thing that I have learned from my uncle's death is that we need to live each day like it is your last day.., and the importance of telling and showing the people you love, how much you care each and every day.
And we shouldn't worry so much about silly things.
My uncle's last message is so simple yet so hard to do:
"Don't spend the better part of our lives focusing on the "trivial" matters and very little on what is "important".
I lost my dearest uncle and the pain is so real.
But that's life.., nothing lasts forever and we have to adjust our lives to what we are given at the time.
Goodbye Oom, see you again in the next life.
Thank you for everything, loves, and may you rest in peace.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What a day..!
Waaaaks, my brain's so tired today.
Feels like my head's going to explode anytime soon... Sigh!
Many things needs to be done, all at once.
So I had to split my brain to do all things done in time.
Started with UNDP things this morning, until went to Dee Gee @ Barito.
As soon as I got home, I took Volker for walking and catched up a bit of fresh air before I continue to do my work again.
Really what a day...
Feels like my head's going to explode anytime soon... Sigh!
Many things needs to be done, all at once.
So I had to split my brain to do all things done in time.
Started with UNDP things this morning, until went to Dee Gee @ Barito.
As soon as I got home, I took Volker for walking and catched up a bit of fresh air before I continue to do my work again.
Really what a day...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Jully - August - September - At a glance...
It's been a while since my last posting.
Gosh, time really fly so fast..isn't it?
Soon after our wedding day (May 25th 2008), we went off for honeymoon.
Right after that, my brother in law got married.
Hanging around with my sister in law who came to Indonesia with her kids. (Miss you all so much, guys..!)
Been doing some businesses with my sister in law.
Met my old friends. Busy with familly's things (My parent's had an accident, my father in law got sick, etc.)
Went to Singapore and Malaysia with my husband ( for business trip - check up - pleasures for free..).
Nourishing my new puppy, Volker (a very cute Golden Retriever).
All of suddens, now is October already.
So here I am, writing a short journal about my activities on the last 3 months.
Rarely have time, to do a blog walking and writing actually...
(Maklum pengacara...: pengangguran banyak acara!)
But anyway, I'm happy now because I can up date my blog from my mobile.
Gosh, time really fly so fast..isn't it?
Soon after our wedding day (May 25th 2008), we went off for honeymoon.
Right after that, my brother in law got married.
Hanging around with my sister in law who came to Indonesia with her kids. (Miss you all so much, guys..!)
Been doing some businesses with my sister in law.
Met my old friends. Busy with familly's things (My parent's had an accident, my father in law got sick, etc.)
Went to Singapore and Malaysia with my husband ( for business trip - check up - pleasures for free..).
Nourishing my new puppy, Volker (a very cute Golden Retriever).
All of suddens, now is October already.
So here I am, writing a short journal about my activities on the last 3 months.
Rarely have time, to do a blog walking and writing actually...
(Maklum pengacara...: pengangguran banyak acara!)
But anyway, I'm happy now because I can up date my blog from my mobile.
Aaaargh, bt..bt..bt..!
It's really sucks when you're already make a long posting and suddenly your blog's error and you don't even have a chance to save your article!
Well, "merde happens" right..?
It's really sucks when you're already make a long posting and suddenly your blog's error and you don't even have a chance to save your article!
Well, "merde happens" right..?
Monday, September 15, 2008
This time I'm not going to post anything on my blog, just want to try this mobile blog.
Let see if it's going to work.
Let see if it's going to work.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Check-in Times
Ever since my partner had proposed me to be his wife, my life's turning into such "a-busy-hectic-exciting-yet-stressfull-indeed-exhausting-joyful-depressing-kind-periods-of-life".
Only few months left before May 25th 2008. Our big day.
Lot of things needs to be plan-prepare-and done!
Actually, my partner and I don't fancy kind of big yet glamorous wedding party.
We only want a small and beautiful wedding party, without so much an artificial things.
But because of several reasons, we decided to celebrate our wedding in a way that can make everybody happy & enjoy.
Especially our parents. It's only once in our life time anyway... And we don't mind to have a big party as long as we can afford it by ourselves.
So here we go...
We start by writing down a long and details checklist thingy in order to prepare our upcoming wedding party.
Every single thing that we need to thinks and prepares carefully.
From the venue reservation, my wedding dress, long guestlist, decoration, invitations, souvenirs, and the list goes on and on..and on again..,till a parking lot business.
Well, I guess everybody who has been married knows very well how's the feeling at the time being. ;)
At the same time, I have to work as well.
That's why I hardly have time to write an update here or even just to keep contact with my fellows.
Few weeks before the wedding, I've decided that I need a break from my work.
The main reason was because this wedding preparations consumed all of my energy, time and concentration.
No wonder though, because I do everything by myself.
Just to make sure everything is all right and in order to stick within our budget in the first place.
Apart from all technical things that I needs to prepare..,there's an important thing that also needs to be prepare.
My readiness. Physically yet mentally.
As we know that a marriage is a moment when two becomes one.
When two souls, two hearts, two heads, two egos, two dreams, two cultures, two habits, two weaknesses, two visions,two families, two principles, and many other two.., should be compromise to become ONE.
To blend in the harmony.
Lately, i've always been thinking ( or wondering?) of how it would be, or how does it feel when finally I reach that stage of life?
Then I think, it's a courage and a willingness to make a lifetime commitment that people needed most, once she/he decides to get married. Not only LOVE.
Love is an illusion. Love can faded away as time goes by.
When love is gone, only a commitment will still remains...
To be continue...
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Q & A
Fyi, my post below I've got from a friend of mine who has challenged me to answer all of these questions, since I was commented on his posting.
So let's see, if these questions can do me a favour in any way...
(1) Something you had to give up but didn't want to:
Eat and eat and eat all the time..!
(2) Something you disliked about the last person you were in love with:
Hypocrisy --> idem 'yo!
(3) Something that irritates you more than anything: Waiting..!
4) Something you wish people would understand about you:
I'm not waiting for people to understand me. Better starting from myself to understand people.
(5) Something that's holding you back from achieving your dreams:
Definetely my laziness..!
(6) Something you fear more than anything:
Losing my loved ones.
(7) Something you wish your parents had warned you about earlier:
Absolutely nothing. They prepared me well for being me. --> Again: idem 'yo..! ;)
(8) Something you hate that people say:
I don't care with what people say about me.
(9) Something you like that everyone else thinks is weird:
Rice. (Before you raise your hand to protest me, fyi I do like to eat rice a.k.a beras mentah..!
(10) Something you think you could win an award for:
As the most weirdest person..?! Hihihiihi:p
(11) Something that keeps you going everyday:
coz I have my faith.
(12) Something amazing that happened last summer:
Euro Trip with my long lost sister, Cenil.
(13) Something that you learned that stands out about last year:
Life is all about chances, be committed to it and be ready for every single risks that will shows along the way. --> Again: idem 'yo! Apart from the risks part. :)
(14) Something that makes you laughs every time it happens:
I laughs easily.
(15) Something you do when you're trying to calm down: Reading & Sleeping.
(16) Something you love doing on cold rainy days:
Watching it pouring down, tickling down things and wondering how it could be smelled that heavenly nice ...hmmm..--> Again, idem plek2 'yo..!
(17) Something amazing you wants to happen next year:
A better life.
(18) Something you're addicted to/can't stop doing:
Observing --> idem 'yo!!
(19) Something that really stands out about your latest crush?
Absolutely nothing!
(20) Something that really turns you on:
Attitudes & men in uniform..! ;)
(21) Something you think about every night before you go to sleep:
How many hours do I have to sleep..??? :(
(22) Something that you don't think will ever change about you:
People do changes in some way or another.
(23) Something about you that you think will soon change:
My age.
(24) Something that broke your heart as a child:
Leaving away form my parents.
(25) Something that's on your mind right now:
I gotta go now, I don't want to miss my yoga class. :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'm Back.
After a very bery long hiatus, now I'm back.
There're so many things happened since the last time I posted my poem.
But now, I just want to lay down my mind...
Looking back, reading my articles, just to have a short journey back there.
See you guys soon.
After a very bery long hiatus, now I'm back.
There're so many things happened since the last time I posted my poem.
But now, I just want to lay down my mind...
Looking back, reading my articles, just to have a short journey back there.
See you guys soon.
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